Big News! Split to be acquired by Harness. Read More


Magdalena Sano

5 Steps to Instant Feature Impact Detection

Learn how to get started with IFID, Split’s superpower.

Instant Feature Impact Detection for Webpage Performance: Split’s Hidden Gem

Introducing the Split Suite. You can now automatically get all your performance data in Split making it even easier to get Instant Feature Impact Detection.

Minimize Webpage Latency With Split Flag Sets

Learn how to make use of flag sets and understand the performance benefits that can result. This includes complete code examples.

How I Evaluated My Feature Flags in Milliseconds With Split’s New Integration for Vercel

Complete code for this article is available on GitHub, and you can also see the deployed website in action here. Split delivers rollout plans at an ultra-fast speed but is there a way to be even faster?  There is. Introducing our new… Read more

Running Split SDK in Localhost Mode From JSON

Introducing Split SDK’s localhost (offline) mode (JSON) support for Go and Python.

Setting Up Event Tracking In Your watchOS App

Learn what Split’s new support for watchOS can do for you, and the motivation and benefits behind data-driven development.