Big News! Split to be acquired by Harness. Read More

Training & Certification

Split Arcade

Split Arcade provides teams responsible for feature management and experimentation on-demand, interactive training and certifications delivered by industry experts. Help your team level up their skills and unlock the true value of Split.

A space for leaders

Kickstart your return on investment.

Onboard your team onto Split at scale, no matter where or when.

Earn certifications to ensure comprehension before production access.

A space for learners

Learn DevOps best practices & the Split Data Platform.

Build without the anxiety of making changes that impact your production org.

Uplevel your skills with built-for-you advice, best practice, and guidance.

“Split Arcade is a really fun and quick way to get familiar with all the Split features. I like the knowledge checks and the interactive videos because they simulate the operations in the UI. The information being presented thru Arcade is intuitive and easy to understand.”

(Finserv customer)

Technical Coding Focused

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Split - Training and Certification-Icons-TECHNICAL CODING FOCUSED

Business & Product Management

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Split - Training and Certification-Icons-EXPERIMENTATION


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Technical Coding-Focused

Technical courses are designed with engineers in mind. They include coding challenges and deeper dives into the technical aspects of Split.

Level 1: Feature Flagging Foundations for Engineers

Time Commitment: 1 hour

Get started with feature flagging and building flags in Split. Learn scalability and infrastructure safety best practices and the basics of feature measurement.

Learning Outcomes: 

  • Learn to set up On/Off feature flags plus create targeted and percentage rollouts
  • Be able to KILL a feature flag in seconds
  • Build segment lists and custom attribute targeting rules for precision releases
  • Understand how server-side and client-side Split SDKs work
  • Understand traffic types and keys and when to use each
  • Gain knowledge of best practices for naming, tagging, starring, setting status’, and using the rollout board
  • Learn to QA your Split integration
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Level 2: Advanced Feature Flagging for Engineers

Level up with feature flagging use cases, feature and application-level measurement, and configure measurement with events, metrics, monitoring and alerting.

Learning Outcomes: 

  • Be able to create dependent feature flags, timed releases, and dynamically configured feature experiences
  • Be able to correctly allocate traffic and gain a deep understanding of how Split serves your treatments
  • Understand the value of feature-level measurement, common use cases, and best practices
  • Know how to send rich event data to Split and QA incoming events within the Split Management Console
  • Be able to turn your events into valuable feature stories by building metrics
  • Be able to interpret your metric results in Split
  • Be able to create alert policies for feature-level monitoring and alerting
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Business & Product Management

Need a fast track to get started with Split, without going too deep into the code? This certification is for you!

Feature Delivery Foundations for Admins & Product Managers

Time Commitment: 1 hour 

Learn basic and advanced flagging fundamentals and an introduction to measurement and metrics. Build operational excellence by designing best practices that work for your org.

Learning Outcomes: 

  • Be able to create an On/Off, Targeted, and Percentage Rollout Feature Flags
  • Be able to KILL a feature flag in seconds
  • Build segment lists and custom attribute targeting rules for precision releases
  • Understand Impressions and Events
  • Understand traffic types and keys and when to use each
  • Be able to create dependent feature flags, timed releases, and dynamically configured feature experiences
  • Be able to turn your events into valuable feature stories by building metrics
  • Gain knowledge of best practices for naming, tagging, starring, setting status’ and using the rollout board
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Administering Split

Time Commitment: 40  minutes

Enable your team to move quickly and securely with a well-designed org. Learn to manage users and groups, design permissions and approval flows, and how to audit and edit important areas and crucial org settings.

Learning Outcomes: 

  • Understand Split internal user roles, user organization, and management
  • Be able to read, monitor, and manage billing associated with MTKs, events, and seat limits
  • Deeply understand workspaces, environments, and the Split objects within them
  • Understand and recognize common paths for organization configuration, including special considerations
  • Understand user access and permissions security measures and best practices, including view, edit, and approval flows
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Learn experimentation fundamentals and best practices. Connect organizational goals and optimize experiment designs to create impactful outcomes. Walk through the experimentation process from ideation to results analysis.

Level 1: Experimentation

Time Commitment: 90 minutes 

Learn experimentation fundamentals and best practices. Connect organizational goals and optimize experiment designs to create impactful outcomes. Walk through the experimentation process from ideation to results analysis.

Learning Outcomes: 

  • Understand what Experimentation is, which experiments to run based on your needs, and the value of experimenting in Split
  • Understand the lifecycle of an experiment, how to form a strong hypothesis, and approach experiment design
  • Connect organizational goals with metrics to create impactful experiments
  • Know how to create and organize your metrics across experiments and create alert policies to ensure performance
  • Understand what an A/A test is, how to run it, and how to navigate the results
  • Be able to set up, QA, and launch an A/B test then interpret metric cards and graphs to understand your results
GET Certified

As the Team Lead of a Mobile Experimentation team, the Split Arcade was an invaluable tool to help new team members get trained on how to use Split. It saved me time from having to answer tons of basic questions about Split and gave me increased confidence that my team understood how to use Split correctly and effectively.”

Nicole Gottfredson, Mobile Experimentation, Team Lead, Route

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We’re excited to accompany you on your journey as you build faster, release safer, and launch impactful products.