Big News! Split to be acquired by Harness. Read More

Financial Services

Speed up digital innovation

Banking, payments, and insurance are transforming fast. Keep pace, using feature flags to speed up software development. Add customer data to flags to reveal how your ideas perform in your customer’s hands.

Feature Delivery Uses in Banking, Insurance, and Payments

Innovate in a regulatory environment

Manage new and existing features by geography. Fit your app to regulations and market conditions.

Reduce the surface area of bugs

Instantly identify features with errors. Kill a feature rather than rolling back a release.

Improve CX, across mobile and web

Harmonize user experience across all digital touchpoints.

Personalize and segment

Create user segments by behavior, demographic, or any attribute. Match features to their needs.

Maintain strict data privacy

Enable rich segmentation while keeping user targeting info in your app.

Increase customer acquisition

Improve application completion rates. Fix leaks in your acquisition funnel.

Innovate Fast to Create Engaging Experiences

“The thing that’s great about Split is that you can change the behavior of the product outside of a code deployment.”

Markus Backman, Head Architect of Digital Banking

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Features Accessible at the Click of a Button

“We can keep releasing code but make features accessible only when we need them to be, with the click of a button.”

Chris Conrad, VP Engineering, WePay

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