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Rollout Strategies for Faster Delivery With Feature Flags


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Feature flags, also known as feature toggles or switches, are a pivotal tool for software people, changing the way features are rolled out, tested, and managed. What’s a feature flag, you ask? A feature flag is a conditional statement within the code that determines whether a particular feature is enabled or disabled, allowing developers to control its visibility and functionality at runtime.

Their significance in software development cannot be overstated. Feature flags enable safer and more efficient feature rollouts by decoupling feature releases from code deployments. This means developers can introduce new features incrementally, exposing them to a subset of users for testing and feedback before a full rollout. This not only reduces the risk of bugs and issues impacting all users but also provides valuable insights for refinement before widespread adoption.

Embracing feature flag strategies empowers teams to adopt agile development practices with confidence. It facilitates continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines, allowing for faster and more frequent releases while maintaining stability. Feature flags also support A/B testing and experimentation, enabling data-driven decisions about feature performance and user engagement.

Mastering feature flag strategies transforms software development by promoting a culture of iteration, collaboration, and innovation. It empowers teams to respond rapidly to user feedback, adapt to changing requirements, and deliver value more efficiently. By exploring the benefits of feature flags further, developers can unlock new possibilities for enhancing their development workflows and deliver exceptional user experiences.

Understanding Feature Flags

Feature flags are conditional statements within software code that control the activation or deactivation of specific features or code segments at runtime. They play a crucial role in facilitating dynamic software development and deployment by enabling developers to do a number of things:

  1. Safely roll out new features incrementally to subsets of users
  2. Test and gather feedback on features before full deployment
  3. Easily toggle features on or off without requiring code changes
  4. Conduct A/B tests and experiments to optimize feature performance
  5. Seamlessly integrate with continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines for rapid and iterative development

The Evolution of Feature Toggles in Agile Development

Feature flags have become a pillar of modern software development, particularly within the agile framework, as they align well with its principles of iterative development, continuous feedback, and rapid adaptation to changing requirements. The history and evolution of feature flags within the agile development framework can be traced through several key milestones:

Early Adoption in Agile Practices (2000s): Feature flags emerged as a solution to the challenges of managing new features within complex and quickly evolving codebases. Agile development methodologies, which prioritize delivering value to users in tiny, incremental releases, found feature flags to be invaluable in enabling developers to isolate and control the rollout of new features.

Integration With Continuous Deployment (2010s): As agile practices evolved, so did the need for seamless integration of feature flags with continuous deployment pipelines. Feature flags became essential tools for enabling continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) workflows, allowing teams to deploy changes to production rapidly while minimizing risk through controlled feature activation.

Focus on Experimentation and Metrics (2010s-present): In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on using feature flags for experimentation and gathering metrics. Agile teams leverage feature flags to conduct A/B testing, measure feature performance, and gather user feedback in real-time. This data-driven approach enables teams to make informed decisions about feature releases, iterate based on user behavior, and optimize the user experience.

Enhanced Control and Permissions (2010s-present): With the increasing complexity of software systems and the need for granular control over feature activation, feature flag management platforms have evolved to provide enhanced control and permissions. These platforms offer robust capabilities for managing feature flags across different environments, defining permissions for feature activation, and auditing feature usage at runtime.

Collaboration Across Product Teams (2010s-present): Feature flags have facilitated greater collaboration across product teams by enabling cross-functional stakeholders, such as developers, product managers, designers, and marketers, to work together seamlessly. By providing a mechanism for controlling feature visibility and rollout, feature flags empower product teams to align on feature priorities, experiment with new ideas, and deliver value to end users more effectively.

Strategic Advantages of Feature Flags

Incremental Rollouts

Feature flags enable teams to gradually roll out new features to subsets of users, minimizing the risk of bugs or issues impacting all users simultaneously. This incremental approach allows for smoother deployments and provides an opportunity to gather feedback early in the release process.

A/B Testing

Feature flags facilitate A/B testing by allowing teams to release multiple variations of a feature to different user groups. By comparing user engagement, behavior, and performance metrics between different versions, teams can make data-driven decisions about which features to prioritize and refine.


Feature flags empower teams to experiment with new features or changes without fully committing to them. By toggling feature flags on or off for specific user segments, teams can gauge user response, iterate on designs, and refine functionality based on real-world usage data.

Rollout Strategies

Percentage-based rollouts gradually increase the percentage of users who have access to a new feature over time. Geographic Rollouts release features to users in specific geographic regions to manage server load or comply with regulatory requirements. And, User Segment Rollouts target specific user segments, such as new users or subscribers, to test features with different audience demographics.

Integrating Feature Flags into the Software Development Lifecycle

Feature Planning: During the planning phase, identify which features will be controlled by feature flags and define the criteria for enabling or disabling them.

Implementation: Integrate feature flags into the codebase using feature toggle libraries or frameworks. Ensure that the flags are easily configurable and can be toggled at runtime without requiring code changes.

Testing: Test feature flags in various environments (e.g., development, staging, production) to verify that they behave as expected and do not introduce any unintended side effects.

Rollout: Gradually enable feature flags for different user segments or environments according to the predefined rollout strategy. Monitor system performance and user feedback during the rollout process.

A/B Testing and Experimentation: Use feature flags to conduct A/B tests and experiments by toggling different variations of features for selected user groups. Analyze metrics and user feedback to inform future development iterations.

Decoupling Deployment From Feature Release

Feature flags decouple deployment from feature release by separating the activation of features from the deployment of code changes. This enhances team flexibility by allowing developers to deploy code changes to production without immediately exposing new features to end users.

It also helps them toggle feature flags on or off independently of code deployments, enabling rapid experimentation and iteration. Finally, they can safely rollback features by simply toggling off the corresponding feature flags in case of issues or negative user feedback, without reverting code changes.

Here are some tips to help you implement feature flags.

Feature Flag Best Practices

Implementing feature flags in development workflows requires careful planning and execution to maximize their effectiveness and minimize potential pitfalls. Here are some best practices to consider:

Start Early and Plan Ahead: Incorporate feature flags into the initial design and development phases of your project. Consider which features will benefit from feature flags and how they will be managed throughout the development lifecycle.

Use Feature Flag Libraries: Utilize feature flag management libraries or frameworks that provide robust functionality for creating, managing, and toggling feature flags. Popular options include LaunchDarkly, Flagsmith, and Split.

Implement a Kill Switch: Include a kill switch or emergency toggle that allows you to quickly disable any feature flag in case of critical issues or downtime. This provides a fail-safe mechanism to protect your application and users from unintended consequences.

Granular Permissions: Define granular permissions for managing feature flags to control who can create, modify, and toggle flags in different environments. This helps maintain security and ensures that only authorized team members can make changes.

Test Thoroughly: Test feature flags thoroughly in various environments, including development, staging, and production, to ensure they behave as expected and do not introduce performance issues or downtime. Automated testing can help streamline this process and catch potential issues early.

Monitor and Measure: Implement monitoring and logging mechanisms to track the usage and performance of feature flags in real-time. Collect relevant metrics and user feedback to evaluate the impact of feature releases and inform future development decisions.

Document Changes : Document changes to feature flag configurations, including the rationale behind each flag and any associated rollout strategies or experiments. This documentation helps maintain visibility and enables knowledge sharing among team members. A built-in audit trail capability (with the ability to mandate comments for changes) helps here, but a culture of helping the rest of the team (or your future self) understand context and rationale of a change is key.

Common pitfalls to avoid when implementing feature flags include:

Using One Flag in Many Places

The same flag should not appear many times in your code. Aim to use them at entry points or abstracting them at the module level.  Your goal should be to make inserting and removing them as easy as possible, limiting the need to revisit many lines of code when it’s time to remove them. See this video about managing feature flags efficiently

Ignoring Technical Debt 

Feature flags can accumulate technical debt if not properly managed or cleaned up after features are fully released. Regularly review and remove obsolete flags to keep the codebase clean and maintainable.

Inadequate Testing

Insufficient testing of feature flags can lead to unexpected behavior or performance issues in production. Prioritize thorough testing in different environments to ensure the stability and reliability of your application.

By following these best practices and avoiding common pitfalls, you can effectively implement feature flags in your development workflows to enable safer, more efficient feature rollouts and experimentation.

Split’s Unique Approach to Feature Flagging

Split is a unique feature flagging tool because it goes beyond the ability to turn features on and off. How? For all the performance and behavioral metrics you care about, Split attaches insightful data to the features you release. This is important for several reasons.

Let’s say you need to know if your feature changes are making your application better or worse. Split gives you automatic feedback with precise, feature-level data. The result is “Instant Feature Impact Detection”, a superpower that comes in handy during progressive delivery because you can automate the triage of rollout issues without having to manually find and fix the problem.

Split was built by developers for developers, so ease of use and developer-centric design is a plus. Plus, Split was designed to fit the needs of the largest enterprise teams, meaning it comes with the best security and governance features of any other feature flag platform.

Integrating Split Into Your Development Workflow

Integrating Split feature flag management into your workflow involves several key steps to seamlessly incorporate feature flags into your existing project. Firstly, you’ll need to sign up for a Split account and set up your feature flags within the Split dashboard. Once your feature flags are configured, you can integrate Split into your project using Split’s SDKs, which are available for various programming languages and platforms. These SDKs allow your application to communicate with Split’s cloud-based infrastructure and retrieve feature flag configurations in real-time via Split’s API.

After integrating Split SDKs into your project, you can begin using feature flags to control the rollout of new features, conduct A/B tests, and manage feature toggles dynamically. With Split’s robust feature flag management capabilities, you can easily toggle features on or off without redeploying your application, ensuring flexibility and agility in your development process. Additionally, Split offers advanced functionality such as targeting specific user segments and monitoring feature flag usage and performance in real-time through the Split dashboard.

By following this integration process, you can leverage Split’s feature flag management platform to enhance your development workflow, streamline feature rollouts, and gain valuable insights into feature performance and user engagement. With Split’s cloud-based infrastructure and comprehensive set of SDKs, integrating feature flags into your existing project becomes a straightforward and efficient process, empowering your team to deliver high-quality software with confidence.

Feature Flags in Action

Case Study 1: E-Commerce Platform

In a hypothetical scenario, an e-commerce platform implements feature flags to manage the rollout of a new checkout process. Initially, the development team deploys the new checkout feature behind a feature flag to a small percentage of users. Using Split’s feature flag management platform, they automate the rollout process and monitor user feedback and performance metrics in real-time.

As the team gathers feedback and iterates on the checkout process, they gradually increase the percentage of users who have access to the new feature. This gradual rollout allows the team to identify and address any issues or usability concerns before making the feature available to all users. Additionally, they use Split’s feature flag statuses to track the progress of the rollout and ensure that the new checkout process meets quality standards before full deployment.

The impact of using feature flags on the user experience and product quality is significant. By automating the rollout process and iterating based on user feedback, the development team can deliver a seamless and intuitive checkout experience that meets the needs of their users. Feature flags also enable the team to toggle new code on and off and change configuration parameters at runtime without requiring a redeployment of the application, streamlining the development process and reducing the risk of introducing bugs or downtime.

Case Study 2: Social Media Platform

In another scenario, a social media platform implements feature flags to introduce a new feed algorithm. Using Split’s feature flag management platform, the development team rolls out the new algorithm to a subset of users and monitors user engagement and satisfaction metrics. They use feature flags to control the visibility of the new algorithm, change the parameters fed to the algorithm, and iterate on its performance based on real-time feedback.

As the team fine-tunes the feed algorithm, they use Split’s feature flag statuses to track the progress of the rollout and make data-driven decisions about when to expand the feature to additional user segments. By gradually introducing the new algorithm and monitoring its impact on user experience, the development team can ensure a smooth transition for all users without disrupting their browsing experience.

The use of feature flags in this scenario enhances the user experience by allowing the development team to experiment with different algorithms and configuration settings, and iterate based on user feedback. By automating the rollout process and using feature flags to control feature visibility, the team can deploy new code with confidence and continuously improve the quality of the platform. Overall, feature flags play a crucial role in enabling agile development practices and delivering a high-quality product that meets the evolving needs of users.

Read more about feature flags in action here.

Managing New Features With Precision

Feature flags provide development teams with precise control over feature rollout and rollback, significantly enhancing risk management and supporting continuous delivery practices. Through feature flags, teams can meticulously manage the release of new features, gradually introducing them to users and monitoring their performance in real-time.

In the context of feature rollout, feature flags allow for controlled activation of features, enabling teams to target specific user segments or environments. By toggling feature flags, teams can limit the exposure of new features, initially releasing them to a small subset of users before expanding access. This gradual rollout approach mitigates the risk of introducing bugs or issues to a wider user base, allowing teams to gather feedback, monitor performance metrics, and iterate as necessary.

Furthermore, feature flags play a critical role in facilitating rollback procedures. In the event of unexpected issues or negative user feedback, teams can quickly deactivate feature flags to rollback to the previous state without reverting code changes. This rapid rollback capability minimizes downtime and mitigates the impact on users, preserving the stability and integrity of the application.

The importance of feature flags in risk management and continuous delivery cannot be overstated. By providing granular control over feature activation and deactivation, feature flags empower teams to deploy changes with confidence, knowing they can swiftly respond to any unforeseen challenges. Moreover, feature flags enable teams to adopt a continuous delivery approach, where code changes can be deployed frequently and reliably. Through automated notifications and real-time monitoring of feature flag statuses, teams can ensure seamless code deployment while maintaining a high level of visibility and control over the release process. This level of precision and flexibility is essential for modern software development, enabling teams to deliver value to users efficiently while minimizing risks associated with change.

Embracing Experimentation: Beyond Feature Management

Feature flags serve as indispensable tools for experimentation and A/B testing within software development, offering teams the ability to methodically evaluate new functionality and optimize user experiences. By leveraging feature flags, teams can conduct A/B tests by selectively exposing subsets of users to variations of features or algorithms. This approach allows for rigorous comparison of different implementations, enabling data-driven decision-making about which version resonates best with users. Additionally, feature flags facilitate canary deployments, where new functionality is gradually rolled out to a small percentage of the user base before wider adoption. This controlled rollout strategy not only minimizes the impact of potential issues but also provides valuable insights into user behavior and preferences, empowering teams to iteratively refine and enhance their products. Overall, feature flags play a pivotal role in enabling experimentation and A/B testing, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and innovation within development teams.

Want more guidance on experimentation? Read Split’s Essential Guide to Experimentation.

Revolutionizing Software Development With Feature Flags

In summary, feature flags have emerged as a pivotal tool in modern software development, revolutionizing how features are rolled out, tested, and managed. Their significance in software development cannot be overstated, as they enable safer and more efficient feature rollouts by decoupling feature releases from code deployments. By embracing feature flag strategies, development teams can adopt agile practices with confidence, facilitating continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines for faster and more frequent releases while maintaining stability. Furthermore, feature flags support A/B testing and experimentation, allowing teams to make data-driven decisions about feature performance and user engagement.

Split’s role in empowering developers with advanced feature flagging tools is instrumental in this process, offering robust capabilities for feature management, experimentation, and performance monitoring. By integrating Split into their development workflows, teams can streamline feature rollouts, gather valuable insights, and deliver high-quality software that meets the evolving needs of users effectively. Feature flags truly represent a transformative force in software development, enabling teams to innovate, iterate, and deliver value with unprecedented speed and precision.

Switch It On With Split

The Split Feature Data Platform™ gives you the confidence to move fast without breaking things. Set up feature flags and safely deploy to production, controlling who sees which features and when. Connect every flag to contextual data, so you can know if your features are making things better or worse and act without hesitation. Effortlessly conduct feature experiments like A/B tests without slowing down. Whether you’re looking to increase your releases, to decrease your MTTR, or to ignite your dev team without burning them out–Split is both a feature management platform and partnership to revolutionize the way the work gets done. Schedule a demo to learn more.

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