Big News! Split to be acquired by Harness. Read More


Team Split

Potential of AI for Optimizing Feature Flagging

Discover the potential of AI in optimizing feature flagging.

Enhancing Product Development With User Feedback Loops

It’s never been more important to prioritize customer feedback when iterating on new features. Learn how to do it right.

Streamlining Feature Management in CI/CD Pipelines

Gain a solid foundation to start implementing feature management techniques that streamline your development process.

Software Rollback

Rollbacks have been a safety net for developers exploring new features and improvements. Learn how to use rollbacks for better functionality with Split.

Split Experimentation for Azure App Configuration Now in Public Preview

Introducing Split Experimentation for Azure App Configuration. Now in Public Preview.

Key Differences in Deploy and Release in DevOps

Explore differences between deployment and release in software development. Understanding these distinctions can help minimize downtime for project management.

Essential Tips for Successful Feature Releases

Learn to effectively manage feature release planning to ensure stakeholder alignment and successful feature rollouts. Are you ready to enhance your strategy?

Embracing AI in Your Product: Insights From Split’s GenAI Chatbot Launch

Split’s CTO and backend engineer discuss the insights gained in the development of Split GenAI Chatbot, Switch.

Streamline Development by Minimizing Software Test Environments

Streamlining software development through minimizing test environments can be achieved with containerization, virtualization, feature flags, and automation.