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Gain Richer Insights More Easily with Event Properties

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With today’s release, you can now create a range of metrics from a single event, providing a deeper analysis of the results of your experiments. These additional insights into knowing how people are using your application is vital to shaping your product development priorities.

For example, if you wanted to evaluate the success of a new checkout flow, and you needed to ensure you could distinguish between basic and premium accounts this would previously require additional modification to your product analytics and tracking events. With this release, you can simply send one track event and apply a filter to the events you are measuring, based on the properties of that event. Therefore, it is now even easier to create metrics in Split that our tailored to your needs.

Properties provide additional context around the events your customers generate. Event properties are attributes of a particular event and reflect the state and additional metadata at which the event was generated. Based on the example above, for the event ‘’, an event property could be ‘user type’ which denotes the type of person checking out. A customer could fire the ‘’ event by being a ‘basic member’ or ‘premium member’. The event property provides more information about the specific event.

Split supports a range of different types of metric functions — count, sum, ratio, average and percent. Now with Split’s ability to capture properties from your events you can utilize these properties to be used in the average or sum calculations. For example, if a property in the event ‘’ was ‘cart value’ you could use this property to calculate the total or average of discount savings generated per premium user or across all your basic users. This flexibility gives you the ability to create metrics that are more meaningful and effective for your organization.

Split is always designing and building new ways to enable our customers to be more data-driven and make the right product decisions. We strongly believe in the power of metrics and how they can help you achieve more business value and understand the actions of you customers. It is important to give yourself flexibility to iterate on what you are measuring as your measurement strategy continues to mature and you gain more clarity on what reflects business value for your organization.

Not sure which metrics you want to track? Find out more about choosing and creating the right metrics for your organization. Interested to see how you can analyze the results of your experiments? We’ve got you covered with visual metrics details and trends that pair nicely with these new metric properties.

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