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Digitalization in Challenging Times

Tune in to the conversation for our expert opinions on navigating the economy and the digitalization of FinServ companies based on data and their personal experiences.


Welcome to the webinar replay on “Digitalization in Challenging Times: How Your FinServe Company Can Stay Competitive and Efficient.” In this webinar, presented in partnership with Split, we explore the key strategies for financial services companies to thrive in today’s digital landscape. The webinar is hosted by David Davis of ActualTech Media, with expert presenters Ariel Perez, VP of Engineering for Experimentation and Measurement at Split, and John Capoletti, CFO of Split.

During the webinar, Ariel and John discuss the state of the economy, highlighting the shifts that have occurred and the challenges faced by financial services companies. They delve into the need for digital transformation and innovation to stay competitive in a rapidly evolving market.

Key Takeaways

  • The investment landscape in financial services: Learn about the significant investments being made by financial institutions to differentiate themselves from competitors and adapt to changing customer expectations. The focus areas range from enhancing customer experience and service delivery to leveraging technologies like machine learning, artificial intelligence, and blockchain.
  • Optimizing efficiency and productivity: Discover how financial services companies can drive sustainable growth by focusing on metrics such as customer retention rates, cost to serve, lifetime value to customer acquisition cost ratio, and failed customer interactions. Ariel emphasizes the importance of continuous learning, experimentation, and data-driven decision-making to improve these metrics and optimize the bottom line.
  • Gaining CFO support: John provides insights into getting CFO support for investment initiatives. He highlights the significance of aligning with the company’s planning and investment cycles, such as the annual operating plan, and emphasizes the importance of timing your requests appropriately. By demonstrating the potential for cost optimization, risk reduction, and revenue growth, you can increase the chances of obtaining CFO approval.

This webinar replay offers valuable insights and practical strategies for financial services companies looking to navigate the digital landscape, stay competitive, and drive efficiency in challenging times.

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