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Integrate Azure DevOps with Split
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About Microsoft

Microsoft Azure DevOps is a top cloud computing service helping developers build, test, deploy, and manage applications and services.

Simply stated, Split’s Azure DevOps integration has simplified our workflow by allowing our developers to create new flags directly in the boards. The linkage between work items and feature flags is a big plus because it streamlines the process of knowing when all work is completed for a single feature, helping us save time, increase our speed-to-market, and ensure a drama-free release.

Matthew Bingham, VP Software Development at J.J. Keller & Associates

Microsoft and Split

The Split integration with Azure DevOps gives developers immediate access to Split feature flags within their workspace, enabling a streamlined workflow when managing for deployment.

How it Works:

In Azure:

  • Easily select a feature flag to associate with a given task
  • Seamlessly map your Split workspace and create a feature flag directly within your Azure DevOps projects
  • Automatically configure feature flag rollout plans with each pipeline run

In Split:

  • View Azure DevOps work item assignee, status, and action for each associated feature flag

Why use it?

  • Save time – Easy dropdowns and native integration allow you to associate feature flags with items in development. No more toggling between solutions!
  • Customize rollouts – With feature flags practically at your fingertips, teams can strategically schedule rollouts as needed, including canary releases, dark launches, and A/B tests.

How to get started

Our Azure DevOps feature flag integration is now available. Check out the documentation or watch an end-to-end demo video to get started!


Want to Dive Deeper?

We have a lot to explore that can help you understand feature flags. Learn more about benefits, use cases, and real world applications that you can try.

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