Evaluating Experimentation Platforms for Product and Engineering Teams
Key considerations and best practices to help technical teams get from evaluation to proof of concept
This evaluation guide explores approaches to building or buying an experimentation platform, offering guidance for those seeking to find the right way to adopt experimentation as part of their product development process. It then describes how to use a proof of concept to vet the chosen approach to experimentation. Download this free guide today!

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The Definitive Guide
You need to focus on delivering features quickly while ensuring stability for your customers. Product/engineering DevOps teams moving toward continuous delivery are investing in experiment management platforms capable of measuring the impact of feature releases. But few companies have the domain expertise and resources to build a release manager and full stack experimentation platform in-house.
The result is often that teams have a mix of tools that are complex to use. The design of experiment software require additional engineering time and do not allow for experimentation on all parts of the codebase. Many alternatives also fall short in the ability to target any sub-segment of users and measure against all KPIs.
There are several digital experience platforms available that allow you to separate feature release cadence from code deployment and measure features against KPIs. This evaluation guide is intended to help decision makers evaluate the most popular solutions and to understand the differences between them.
- Define the evaluation criteria and compare common options
- Set up a successful proof of concept (PoC)
- Keep an eye on your release progress with proper release monitoring
- Estimate the total cost of ownership and assess the return on investment
- A big bang release can disrupt your release velocity, we'll show you how to manage your release frequency
- And more! Download this free guide today.
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