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Press Release

Split Announces Key Themes for DECISIONS 2018

REDWOOD CITY, CA — (Nasdaq – August 28, 2018) – Split, the leading platform for feature experimentation, today announced the key themes for DECISIONS 2018, its first conference focused on insight-driven product development. Designed to unite engineers, product managers and data scientists in one space to discuss the product delivery lifecycle and how it impacts organizations, DECISIONS 2018 will be held on October 2, 2018 at the JW Marriott Hotel in San Francisco. Platinum sponsors for the conference include Split and Pendo.

“The six themes of the conference all fall under the tagline – smarter, better, faster,” said Adil Aijaz, CEO and co-founder at Split. “We want to unite the community to work smarter, not harder; build better products to enhance product experiences; and deliver and decide optimal strategies faster than ever before. We’re enthused about these themes as hot, emerging trends in the industry and look forward to a very informative conference.”

The conference themes for DECISIONS 2018 include:

  • Experimentation – Testing at every level of the data and analytics stack on new features to validate the value with real users in almost real time;
  • Continuous Delivery – The ability to get changes of all types—including new features, configuration changes, bug fixes and experiments—into production, or into the hands of users, safely and quickly in a sustainable way;
  • Product Analytics, Monitoring, & Alerting – Product analytics enables teams to transform data into insights and data-driven decisions using the collection, segmentation, and interpretation of product-level data. Monitoring can provide you information to diagnose unknown problems and study historical trends. Alerting is about what is going wrong right now that you need to fix. Monitoring and alerting should provide business value just like new features;
  • Process & Culture – How we do our work, and the environment in which we work both have critical impacts on how we make decisions, and on the quality of the decisions we make;
  • Survey & Recording – Surveys allow you to get qualitative feedback from users on new features, while Session Recording gives your team the ability to look over your users shoulder while they use (or don’t use) those new features. Both allow you to deeper diagnose why a feature is or isn’t providing the value it was intended to.

To encourage these themes to come to life, the keynote speakers at DECISIONS 2018 will be:

  • Jez Humble, co-founder of DevOps Research Association (DORA), to discuss 21st Century Software Delivery.
  • Ronny Kohavi, general manager at Microsoft, Analysis and Experimentation, to discuss Trustworthy Online Controlled Experiments at Large Scale
  • Joe Beda, Founder & CTO of Heptio, co-founder of Kubernetes, to discuss Cloud Native & Ford versus Tesla.
  • Ya Xu, Head of Experimentation and Flagship Analytics at LinkedIn, to discuss Fostering a Culture of Experimentation.
  • Dan Olsen, author of Lean Product Playbook and Product Management Expert, to discuss How to Optimize your Product Using Analytics.
  • Adil Aijaz, CEO and co-founder of Split, to kickoff the event and introduce the critical components of Decision making.

Register for the conference today. Companies and non-profit organizations who are interested in getting involved with DECISIONS 2018 can learn more about sponsorship opportunities by contacting the organizers at

About Split

Split is the leading Feature Delivery Platform for engineering teams that want to confidently release features as fast as they can develop them. Split’s fine-grained management, real-time monitoring, and data-driven experimentation ensure that new features will improve customer experience without breaking or degrading performance. Split ingests performance data and runs real-time statistical analyses on every new feature so that engineering teams can respond immediately to bad releases, measure changes in user experience, and build high-quality software. Engineering teams at Twilio, Salesforce, and WePay trust Split to power their feature delivery. Get started for free at

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