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Split + BugSnag

Progressive delivery experts from SmartBear and talk about how users can leverage the integration


Join the replay of our webinar on Progressive Delivery and BugSnag Integration to learn how to adopt progressive delivery practices and leverage BugSnag’s application stability management platform. Dave Caro, a progressive delivery advocate at Split, and Yvonne Diaz, the lead of the solutions engineering team at BugSnag, share their expertise and real-world experiences in implementing progressive delivery and resolving application bugs.

Key Takeaways

  • Understand the concept of progressive delivery and its benefits in decoupling deploy from release.
  • Learn how BugSnag’s application stability management platform can help you monitor and resolve application errors efficiently.
  • Discover how Split’s feature data platform and real-time control feature flags can enhance the progressive delivery process.
  • See a live demo of how BugSnag and Split integrate to detect errors, automate alerts, and resolve issues faster.
  • Learn how to reduce the mean time to detection and resolution, leading to less stress and better sleep for development teams.
  • Explore the bi-directional data sync between Split, Jira, and BugSnag for seamless collaboration and improved visibility.
  • Gain insights into low-pressure testing in production and identifying the root cause of errors.
  • Understand the impact of using Split’s SDK on app performance and how decisions are made locally in memory.
  • Discover how BugSnag’s Slack integration and Jira workflow engine enable quick alerts and effective bug tracking.
  • Get practical tips and best practices for implementing progressive delivery and bug monitoring in your development workflow.

Enjoin the replay and learn how to streamline your release process, detect errors faster, and improve the stability of your applications through progressive delivery and BugSnag integration.

Want to Dive Deeper?

We have a lot to explore that can help you understand feature flags. Learn more about benefits, use cases, and real world applications that you can try.

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