What is Split?
Split is the feature delivery platform that pairs the speed and reliability of feature flags with data to measure the impact of every feature. With Split, organizations have a secure way to release features, target them to customers, and measure the impact of features on their customer experience metrics.
Split Is a Leader in Feature Management and Continuous Delivery
Benefits of Progressive Delivery (How You Roll Matters)
Four Shades of Progressive Delivery
Our goal is to provide guideposts for the journey as you consider ways to increase the velocity, impact, and sustainability of your software delivery practices.
Pros and Cons of Canary Release
Canary releases (also called “canary deployments”) and feature flag rollouts are two common feature release strategies for testing in production.
The Path To Progressive Delivery
When Continuous Integration began, it was a bit of a “radical” idea: developers should merge their changes as often as possible into the main branch.
On a Mission to Kill Release Nights
It’s known that modern companies, especially the ones that have adopted agile principles, have achieved a faster degree of delivery cadence, deploy many times per day, diminished the risk of each release, and lowered the time to fix defects in production environments.

Schedule a Split Demo Tailored to Your Needs
Speed up development cycles, reduce release risk, and focus your team on DevOps best practices that create maximum impact.
Create Impact With Everything You Build
We’re excited to accompany you on your journey as you build faster, release safer, and launch impactful products.