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Press Release

Split Announces DECISIONS, First Annual Conference for Insights-Driven Product Development

REDWOOD CITY, CA — (Nasdaq – July 23, 2018) – Split, the feature experimentation company, announced today its first conference focused on insights-driven product development, DECISIONS 2018, to be held on October 2, 2018 at the newly renovated JW Marriott Hotel in San Francisco. DECISIONS is the only event that brings engineers, product managers, data scientists, and thought leaders together in a single forum, to explore how teams are making insights-driven decisions to build software and deliver exceptional product experiences.

The continuous delivery of user value is top of mind for product development teams today. Core to their approach is a focus on real-time decision making in every step of the workflow – from product development, to delivery and finally to the measurement of outcomes. The issue these teams are now facing, is how to iterate on those decisions within a closed feedback loop. This first annual conference will feature a mix of keynote sessions, expert panels and fireside chats with industry leaders from today’s dynamic organizations to explore challenges, trends and best practices.

Keynote speakers at DECISIONS 2018 include:

  • MJ Hegar: American War Hero, author of Shoot Like a Girl, currently running for Congress.
  • Jez Humble: Co-author of Accelerate, and co-founder of DevOps Research Association (DORA)
  • Ronny Kohavi: General Manager at Microsoft, Analysis and Experimentation
  • Dan Olsen: Author of Lean Product Playbook, and Product Management Expert
  • Adil Aijaz: CEO and co-founder of Split Software

Platinum sponsors for DECISIONS 2018 include Split and Pendo.

“The speed of innovation in the software industry is exhilarating, but can be quite daunting for product development teams,” said Adil Aijaz, chief executive officer at Split. “It impacts how products are developed and has given rise to an entirely new set of tools and processes – not to mention the cultural transformation of the teams who adopt them. This transformation has created a struggle for teams wanting to make the right decisions at every step in the workflow, while delivering risk-free, valuable software. We feel a deep responsibility to provide a platform that can facilitate an exchange of ideas amongst everyone impacted – Engineers, Product Managers, and Data Scientists – so that as a community we work smarter, deliver better software, and continue to move faster.”

Attending DECISIONS 2018?

Register today at the “Super Early Bird” rate of $249. Tickets in August will rise to the “Early Bird” rate of $299 before reaching the full conference fare of $399 closer to the event. Companies and non-profit organizations who are interested in getting involved with DECISIONS 2018 can learn more about sponsorship opportunities by contacting the organizers at

About Split

Split is the leading Feature Delivery Platform for engineering teams that want to confidently release features as fast as they can develop them. Split’s fine-grained management, real-time monitoring, and data-driven experimentation ensure that new features will improve customer experience without breaking or degrading performance. Split ingests performance data and runs real-time statistical analyses on every new feature so that engineering teams can respond immediately to bad releases, measure changes in user experience, and build high-quality software. Engineering teams at Twilio, Salesforce, and WePay trust Split to power their feature delivery. Get started for free at

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