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Costly Drains & Why Feature Management Is a Good Investment


Split - Feature Management ROI

Inefficiencies are a drain. Like a leaky faucet, they dribble in the background of every software engineering department, accumulating as deadlines are missed, as downtime creates delays, or when new features fail without any data to prove it.

Drip drip goes the leaky drain, slowing down your product development team’s efficiency, hindering innovation, sinking resources, and increasing your application maintenance costs. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could call a superhero plumbing service to fix the costly drains that set back your product development team? 

Unfortunately, there is no Mario and Luigi to rescue software people, but feature management platforms are pretty super when it comes to fixing costly drains. Can they teleport new product features through pipes or grow your customer base by way of mushroom power? No, but they can provide a centralized system for managing feature flags, software experiments, and rollbacks. 

Getting the best capabilities of a feature management platform will cost you a monthly subscription fee like anything else, but the results are transformative. In many ways, feature management can make your software development process more profitable–even in the short term. Wondering if it’s a great investment for your company? Here are some superhero savings to consider. 

Tighten Up Environment Utilization & Save

$93.5K is the estimated annual cost to maintain a staging environment.

From preventing unnecessary releases to eliminating added infrastructure costs, feature management platforms create significant cost savings across your entire application. Close a few costly drains and expect powerful ROI in a number of areas. 

Reduced infra costs? Check.

Feature flags allow companies to control the availability of features within their applications or services. Developers can deploy new features “off” by default, ensuring that they are not consuming unnecessary resources until they are fully tested and ready for production. By avoiding the deployment of unused or untested features, companies can optimize resource allocation and reduce infrastructure costs.

Expensive staging environments? Greatly reduced.

By targeting the exposure of new features to a small set of users and automatically alerting should an issue arise, feature management allows teams to safely test in production. Ultimately, this greatly reduces the need to build and maintain costly staging environments, driving down overall costs.

Cut Down On Labor Costs

The average voluntary turnover rate for developers is 25%. The estimated cost per new dev hire is greater than $40K.

Highly-skilled labor isn’t cheap. Especially when it’s misallocated. Luckily feature management platforms redistribute team energy in all of the right places by cutting back on the things that drain them. 

Eliminate tedious work that sucks time and money. 

Feature management platforms provide a centralized platform for managing feature flags across different environments and applications. This eliminates the need for manual code changes or configuration updates across your applications. Developers can toggle feature flags on or off without deploying new code, reducing deployment complexity and the associated labor hours.

Become less dependent on pricey labor. 

Many platforms allow remote configuration of feature flags, meaning that changes can be made without requiring direct code modifications. This empowers non-technical stakeholders, such as product managers or marketers, to control feature availability, run A/B tests, or make changes without needing to hard code. And by reducing the dependency on developers for feature changes, companies can save labor costs and increase agility.

Lower the cost of development effort. 

Instead of bundling multiple changes into big bang releases, teams can release smaller, focused updates more often. By breaking down changes into smaller pieces like this, the complexity and risk associated with large releases goes away, leading to cost savings in terms of development effort.

Keep Teams Flowing, Gain Engineering Efficiency

$4.3M-8.6M is the yearly cost of inefficient work of medium-large tech orgs.

Not only do feature management platforms save on labor costs. They ignite software teams to reach a flow of productivity you could only imagine. Welcome to profitable efficiency at a star power pace.

Work efficiently with collaboration and visibility.

Feature flag platforms typically offer collaboration features that allow teams to work together more effectively. Developers, product managers, and other stakeholders can easily collaborate when managing flags, sharing feedback, and tracking the status of feature releases. This improves transparency and reduces communication overhead. Efficiency gained!

Unclog bottlenecks, save time (and money).

With feature management, developers can merge code into the main branch without triggering a full release, reducing the risk of merge conflicts and coordination challenges. This streamlined development process unclogs drains and keeps engineering teams free flowing and delivering result$.

Accelerate time-to-market, ring the sales gong faster.

Release new features, improvements, or bug fixes as soon as they are ready without waiting for a specific release cycle. This cuts the time from code to customer, allowing companies to stay competitive and respond to market demands in a timely manner. And by reducing time spent on waiting for a scheduled release, teams can keep innovating profitable experiences. Cha-ching!

Make better decisions that save your wallet (and your butt).

Feature flags promote an iterative development approach where teams can continuously improve and iterate on features based on user feedback and data. By releasing features behind feature flags, teams gather real-world usage data, monitor performance, and collect valuable feedback from users. Because when you make the right decision fast it pays. 

Put a tight cap on recruiting expenditures.

Quality of life is important for everyone. But, development teams are under constant pressure at work due to high-stress release processes and unpredictability. Feature management frees up teams from the things that burn them out, and it drives a better development experience as a result. People who are happy at work rarely leave their jobs, which means less recruitment and onboarding costs.

Avoid Wrenches In Your Plans, Protect Revenue

Bottom lines don’t like surprises. Especially when they involve outage-causing features. Thankfully feature management prevents drains on your balance sheet by minimizing the blast radius of surprises and monitoring issues before they become major blowups. 

The average cost of downtime is 300K per hour.

According to Gartner Insights

Lower rollback costs.

If an unexpected issue occurs, feature flags let you disable and revert features quickly. Instead of rolling back an entire release, teams can simply toggle off the associated feature flag. This saves time and effort compared to traditional rollback processes. Plus, the cost per software change is reduced as the team can rectify issues without extensive rework or delays–music to your revenue.

Recover fast, save revenue.

Let’s say a new release negatively impacts system performance, feature management provides a safety net. Companies can quickly disable the feature flag to a stable state without affecting other parts of the system. The ability to recover from failures like this helps minimize downtime and associated costs. Companies like Split reduce MTTR to less than a minute. 

Let bugs pay the price (not your customers).

With feature management, companies can conduct thorough testing of new features in isolation without affecting too many customers. By gradually enabling the feature for specific user segments or in controlled environments, companies can gather feedback, monitor performance, and identify any potential issues. This lets you squash bugs early on, before they require an expensive emergency that can cost you your customers. 

Stop outage bills from stacking up.

By mitigating risks associated with feature releases, companies can avoid costly unplanned outages and minimize the impact to user experiences. Feature monitoring tracks issues, ensuring they’re caught before they require outages. Feature flags let you automatically disable the problem before you have to dig deep down into your purse or pocketbook. 

Split Combines Feature Flags & Data to Capture Greater ROI 

Only Split combines feature flags with insightful data, delivering unmatched feature-level observability across everything you rollout. With the causal analysis that you gain from this, you can watch every aspect of your rollouts and know with certainty if your features are making your applications better or worse. 

Welcome smarter, faster decisions in the process and avoid paying maintenance costs for software that causes negative impact on critical metrics. Meanwhile, your most precious resource, your product development team, can get back to focusing on the things that matter most: innovating software experiences that profit business. It’s no wonder Split was awarded Best Est. ROI and Best Overall Results in Feature Management by G2. So, fix leaky drains, focus on features that matter, fast. Let’s leave it at that.

What Would Your ROI With Split Be? 

Calculate it now by visiting our ROI calculator on our pricing page

Switch It On With Split

The Split Feature Data Platform™ gives you the confidence to move fast without breaking things. Set up feature flags and safely deploy to production, controlling who sees which features and when. Connect every flag to contextual data, so you can know if your features are making things better or worse and act without hesitation. Effortlessly conduct feature experiments like A/B tests without slowing down. Whether you’re looking to increase your releases, to decrease your MTTR, or to ignite your dev team without burning them out–Split is both a feature management platform and partnership to revolutionize the way the work gets done. Schedule a demo to learn more.

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Want to Dive Deeper?

We have a lot to explore that can help you understand feature flags. Learn more about benefits, use cases, and real world applications that you can try.

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