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Split Webinar

Panel Discussion: Overcoming Common Challenges in Releasing Software

Hear from Split’s leaders, P.A. Masse, Senior VP of Engineering, Ani McDowell, Director of Product Management, and Joy Ebertz, Principal Software Engineer as they share their personal experience and advice for overcoming release challenges.

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Improving Speed of Releases Without Sacrificing Reliability

Top enterprises use feature flag management to effortlessly conduct feature experiments like A/B tests without slowing down. Reimagine the software development process to release new features up to 50x faster!

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We identified the problems, it’s time to talk about solutions!

Watch our webinar where our subject matter experts engage in a panel discussion to tackle common challenges in software releases. Based on findings from a recent survey of software professionals, we identified three common challenges organizations face in releasing software.

What you'll learn:

  • Challenge #1: Accelerating release velocity without sacrificing reliability
  • Challenge #2: Finding and fixing unexpected issues in a rollout
  • Challenge #3: Mitigating impact to the developer experience from a bad release

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Speed up development cycles, reduce release risk, and focus your team on DevOps best practices that create maximum impact.

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