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Split Webinar

Minimize Release Risk With True Do No Harm Rollouts

This session explores how you can use measurement to quickly find and fix issues during gradual rollouts using Split’s Instant Feature Impact Detection (IFID). With pinpoint precision, IFID helps you quickly catch issues that affect your application that even your APM will miss, so you can know with certainty if the software rollout should progress to 100% or be turned off. 

Learn Why Agile Businesses Use Split

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Learn how product and engineering leaders innovate faster

Product and engineering leaders are feeling pressured to innovate fast while ensuring that nothing breaks in the process, all while being challenged with resource constraints and team burnout. They want to quickly understand if their releases are making things better or worse, so that they can take fast action to preserve their user experience.

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The Risk of Gradual Rollouts

If you’re doing gradual rollouts, they do add some safety to releases, but you’re still leaving risk on the table with traditional feature management tools alone. With feature flags, there is no longer a single version of an application. You may have a unique combination of features enabled and disabled, making it hard to detect issues and pinpoint their root cause.

Join us for this webinar where we’ll walk you through how:

  • Monitoring the impact of every product change during progressively delivery ensures low-risk releases.
  • Feature-level insights complements APM, closing a critical knowledge gap and drastically reducing triage times.
  • Split’s latest releases such as Split Suite, Out-of-the-Box Metrics, and Feature Flag Significance Alerting allow you to do more with less, giving you time back to focus on your next project.

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Speed up development cycles, reduce release risk, and focus your team on DevOps best practices that create maximum impact.

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Create Impact With Everything You Build

We’re excited to accompany you on your journey as you build faster, release safer, and launch impactful products.