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Increase Speed-to-Market: How J.J. Keller Uses Split’s Feature Management Platform With Azure DevOps

How J.J. Keller leveraged Split’s integration with Microsoft’s Azure DevOps services to bring robust feature flagging, experimentation and targeting to its CI/CD process


In this webinar, we explore how J.J. Keller, a risk and compliance organization, transformed their development process and achieved faster time-to-market by adopting feature flag-driven development and leveraging the power of Azure DevOps.

During the webinar, our co-founder, Trevor Stewart, engages in a conversation with Matt Bingham, a leader in J.J. Keller’s development group, and April Edwards, a cloud developer advocate at Microsoft. They discuss the challenges J.J. Keller faced with their monolithic applications and the need to streamline their deployment process. Matt shares how they implemented feature flags and re-architected their applications into microservices, enabling them to separate release from deployment and deploy new features with confidence.

April provides insights into the broader industry trends and highlights the importance of cultural change in implementing DevOps practices. She emphasizes that successful implementation requires buy-in from top management and a shift in team dynamics and processes.

Throughout the webinar, Matt shares J.J. Keller’s transformation journey, the significant increase in deployment frequency, and the positive impact on their speed-to-market. He also highlights the benefits of leveraging Split’s Feature Management Platform and Azure DevOps to enable feature flag-driven development and achieve continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD).

If you missed the live webinar or want to revisit the insightful discussion on increasing speed-to-market through feature flagging and Azure DevOps, this replay is your opportunity to learn from J.J. Keller’s successful experience and gain valuable takeaways for your own development process. We encourage you to reach out with any questions or comments. Enjoy watching the replay and exploring the possibilities of faster, more efficient software development.

Want to Dive Deeper?

We have a lot to explore that can help you understand feature flags. Learn more about benefits, use cases, and real world applications that you can try.

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