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A Conversation With Gene Kim: Five Ideals for Building Software

Conversation between Gene Kim, Pete Hodgson and Dave Karow hosted by Split Software


Join us for a captivating webinar as we dive into a conversation with Gene Kim, a renowned CTO, researcher, and author, on the topic of Five Ideals for Building Software. Gene has been studying high-performing technology organizations for over two decades and is the founder of the DevOps Enterprise Summit. He is the author of best-selling DevOps books like “The DevOps Handbook” and “Accelerate.” In this webinar, Gene will share his insights and explore the five ideals that are crucial for building successful software. These ideals include locality and simplicity, focus, flow, and joy, prioritizing improvement of daily work, psychological safety, and customer focus. Join us for an enlightening discussion with Gene Kim and gain valuable insights into building software with excellence.

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