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Split Webinar

Embracing AI in your Product: CTO’s Thoughts and the Launch of Split’s AI Chatbot - Switch

Thinking of adding AI-driven features to your app? Curious how Split is leveraging AI to speed adoption of our platform? Watch this 30-minute webinar with Split’s CTO, Pato Echagüe, and Backend Engineer, Robert Grassian.

Learn Why Agile Businesses Use Split

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Learn about AI from a CTO's point of view

Top enterprises use AI in their apps or plan to add it to their capabilities in the near future. Discover how the software development process is being reimagined to help experiment and release new features.

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Join us in this session as we discuss all things AI and SwitchBot!

Our experts delve into the world of AI and how Split has embraced it to create Switch, our in app chatbot. From a CTO’s perspective, Pato will explore the transformative impact of AI on today’s markets and professions. He will focus on how AI is influencing development, funding, and the very fabric of our technological landscape from his point of view.

Robert will present Split’s cutting-edge AI project, Switch bot. This in-app chatbot is built to do 3 things: answer questions, take actions for the user, and analyze Split data to make inferences such as a summary of metrics impact. Join Robert as he unveils the inner workings of this innovative creation. He will offer insights into its development, demonstrate practical applications, and how you can begin on a project like this yourself.

What you'll learn:

  • Speed and safety working together
  • Break things responsibly
  • Increase release cadence, lower the pressure

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