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Continuous Delivery Gets Real

Author of “Continuous Delivery in the Wild” Pete Hodgson, and CD evangelist Dave Karow “step into the confessional” to share their real world experiences with Continuous Delivery.


Join us for a replay of an insightful webinar where industry experts delved into the realm of continuous delivery. In this enlightening session, our host, Maddie, and continuous delivery evangelist, Dave, were joined by renowned author Pete Hodgson to unveil the truths behind continuous delivery in practice.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Power of Continuous Delivery: Gain a deep understanding of continuous delivery and how it empowers teams to push changes to production seamlessly. Explore the distinction between continuous delivery and continuous deployment, and the values driving these practices.
  • Reducing Batch Size: Dive into the concept of reducing batch size in software delivery. Discover how practices like GitHub flow and trunk-based development aim to minimize risk, enhance code quality, and streamline development workflows.
  • Frequent Feedback Loops: Learn about the importance of shortening the feedback loop in software development. Explore how organizations are leveraging rapid, continuous integration to catch defects early, facilitate meaningful code reviews, and foster a culture of collaboration.
  • Efficiency and Waste Reduction: Uncover strategies for reducing waste in your development processes. See how trunk-based development eliminates merge conflicts, reduces context switching, and maximizes development efficiency.
  • Balancing Automation and Value: Understand the balance between investing in automation and deriving value. Discover how different organizations approach continuous deployment and how the focus shifts from automating every step to optimizing for value and impact.
  • Applying Principles in Your Context: Embrace the idea that one size does not fit all. Discover how to extract the underlying values from successful practices and adapt them to suit your organization’s unique context.
  • Access the Insights: Relive the engaging discussion that explores the intersection of theory and practice in continuous delivery. Whether you’re new to the concept or a seasoned practitioner, you’ll gain valuable insights to elevate your software delivery game

Want to Dive Deeper?

We have a lot to explore that can help you understand feature flags. Learn more about benefits, use cases, and real world applications that you can try.

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