Big News! Split is now part of Harness. Learn more at Harness and read why we are excited by this move.



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Feature Monitoring

Alert policies

With alert policies, you can respond quickly to performance degradations for each environment you operate in. You can configure a specific degradation threshold and customize who should be notified if your metric degrades. Split will detect a degradation in metrics in the first 30 minutes of a new version of a split.

Sentry integration

When configured, Split will ingest error and exception metrics from Sentry and ties these to the feature a user is exposed to. Split will display Sentry exception data in the Split platform for analysis. You can control what environments and traffic types you capture exceptions for in Split’s dashboard without code.

Real User Monitoring (RUM) Agent

Track data such as Time to First Byte, Time to DOM Interactive, Page Load Time, Time to Interactive, Errors – key indicators of user experience. In addition, the agent collects key properties like connection type, url and userAgent to give you a full picture of the user using your feature.

Want to Dive Deeper?

We have a lot to explore that can help you understand feature flags. Learn more about benefits, use cases, and real world applications that you can try.

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