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Integrate Split with Rollbar
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About Rollbar

Rollbar is a powerful and popular error tracking and analysis service that works in every language Split supports.

Rollbar and Split

Our integration brings Split’s changelog data (metadata including environment, feature name, definition, the Split user who initiated the change, and a link back to the Split interface) into Rollbar. Together, these details can help you drive powerful correlations in incident investigations, with Rollbar telling you what’s going wrong and Split data showing you which features could have caused the problem.

What can I do with the Split Rollbar Integration?

Here are a few of the things you can do with Rollbar and Split:

  • See feature changes alongside errors. Bringing Split release metadata into Rollbar gives you a quick and easy way to see what recent rollout changes were made that might be the cause of errors.
  • Quickly dive into remediation. Split’s Rollbar integration provides back-links to each feature rollout in Split. When something goes wrong you can quickly jump to that feature in Split to kill the rollout, change the release plan, and see who was impacted with Split’s impression data.

Integrate Rollbar and Split Today

Our Rollbar integration is free for customers of both services. Looking for an error-tracking service and don’t yet have Rollbar? Rollbar is free for up to 5,000 errors per month, and like Split, you can get up and running with it in minutes. To try it, visit

Want to Dive Deeper?

We have a lot to explore that can help you understand feature flags. Learn more about benefits, use cases, and real world applications that you can try.

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