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Integrate Jira Software with Split
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About Atlassian

Atlassian’s Jira Software offers flexible issue and project tracking with best-in-class agile tooling for software teams.

Atlassian and Split

Split’s Jira feature flag integration links issues and flags so your teams can stay up-to-date on project and release statuses on both platforms.

How it works

In Jira:

  • Create and connect feature flags to issues
  • View rollout status and feature flag configurations

In Split:

  • Connect a feature flag to a Jira issue
  • View Jira issue information tied to a feature flag

Why use it?

  • Support continuous delivery – encourage engineers to gate every feature behind a flag by making it part of the issue-creation process
  • Coordinate across teams – allow engineers and project managers to easily view and share release and project statuses
  • Manage technical debt – quickly determine if a feature is fully released and ready for code cleanup

How to get started

Interested in a free trial? If you’re an Atlassian customer, you may be eligible to save up to 35% off Split’s paid plans. Check out our “Atlassian Special Offer” documentation to learn more.


Want to Dive Deeper?

We have a lot to explore that can help you understand feature flags. Learn more about benefits, use cases, and real world applications that you can try.

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We’re excited to accompany you on your journey as you build faster, release safer, and launch impactful products.