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Press Release

Split Partners with Microsoft to Jointly Deliver Feature Experimentation Service in Microsoft Azure

Redwood City, CA, USA – Split Software, a leading Feature Management and Experimentation provider today announces a new collaboration with Microsoft to develop a product experimentation service within Microsoft Azure. With this new service, Microsoft customers will get access to Split’s experimentation capabilities integrated within Azure App Configuration. This provides developers the ability to run experiments and gain insights for faster, safer product releases right inside Azure.  

This collaboration aligns with what today’s product developers need.  According to research published this month, “86% of product developers say that feature experimentation is critical to the successful development and release of digital experiences; however, the majority do not think they are successful at it.” Now Azure App Configuration customers will be able to successfully run experiments directly in Azure using easy-to-access Split capabilities, coupling every rollout with deep experimentation data as they safely test features directly in production environments.

“With this new capability jointly delivered by Azure and Split in Azure App Configuration, teams can use experimentation and insights to reduce risk, fuel innovation, and create delightful digital experiences by adopting modern approaches for progressive delivery in app development,” says Amanda Silver, CVP, Developer Division, Microsoft. “Experimentation from Split within Azure will further our customers’ ability to build intelligent apps and release them to market quickly and safely – driving maximum value for end users and fuel business growth.” 

Split’s Feature Data Platform™ serves feature flags to more than 6 billion users worldwide, and Split has partnered with Microsoft since 2020, when M12 became an investor.  Additionally, Split is available today in Azure Marketplace and is also integrated with Azure DevOps, offering a Visual Studio Code extension. “We’ve enjoyed a strong relationship with Microsoft and are pleased to create this new offering for Azure App Configuration, bringing actionable insights into every feature release. We call this intelligent feature management,” says Brian Bell, CEO of Split. “This latest integration underscores our commitment to propel enterprise development teams toward meaningful progress and is a testament to Microsoft’s trust in our platform, leadership, and vision.” 

Split’s new offering in Azure App Configuration will be available in early 2024 by Private Preview on Azure. Customers interested in gaining early-access can sign up for the Private Preview here and will be notified by Split when available.

About Split

In a world where product development teams are pressured to do more with less, Split’s Feature Data Platform™ gives you the confidence to move fast without breaking things or burning out. Set up feature flags and safely deploy to production, controlling who sees which features and when. Connect every flag to contextual data, so you know if your features are making things better or worse and can react without hesitation. Effortlessly conduct feature experiments like A/B tests without slowing down. Split is a feature management partner that takes the extra step with experts to support you, online courses to help you learn as you go, and a developer-oriented culture that puts customers at the center. It’s why enterprises like Comcast, SAP, RocketMortgage and Salesforce trust Split.

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Aaron Ballew
Split Software

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