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Press Release

Split Announces First of Its Kind Strategic Integration with Amazon S3, Allowing High-Volume Data Transfer for Feature Experimentation

REDWOOD CITY, CA, December 15, 2020 – Split, the leading feature delivery platform, today announced a strategic integration with Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), an object storage service that offers industry-leading scalability, data availability, security, and performance. One of the most valuable assets of any business, data is indispensable in feature flagging and experimentation, and especially for measuring a new feature’s impact on key performance and business metrics. Split makes it easy to leverage data no matter where it lives — in a customer data platform (CDP), in an application performance management (APM) tool, and now, in Amazon S3.

“Our new data integration with AWS is the first of its kind to enable companies to bring customer data like engagement, behavioral, and transactional data, directly from an S3 data lake into our feature delivery platform,” said Patricio ‘Pato’ Echagüe, co-founder and CTO of

Once configured, Split ingests millions of customer events per minute as Parquet files from Amazon S3 to combine with feature flag data using a patented attribution logic that measures the impact of a new feature on key business metrics. Users can also tap into historical data and retroactively calculate new metrics from previous experiments. This allows for greater speed and efficiency in common cases where a user may have forgotten to define a metric prior to an experiment, or the results led to further questions that required additional data to answer. By ingesting historical data from Amazon S3, users can add a new metric to a completed experiment and have enough data to reach statistically significant results in minutes.

Pato continued, “Early next year, Split will also be able to send feature flag data to Amazon S3, unlocking endless possibilities for users to combine with other types of data (like customer and product data), to run deeper analyses in downstream destinations such as a BI tool, product analytics platform, or data warehouse. Running Split experiments and such analyses allow product and engineering teams to iterate faster on new features, align on roadmap priorities, and ensure that every release drives positive business outcomes.”

As an example, throughout an experiment, customer data can be brought into Split to quantify a new feature’s impact on engagement, conversion, or average order value (AOV). Feature flag data is then sent to other tools via Amazon S3, to validate these results and by digging into the customer experience with a new feature, determine why certain metrics changed.

Amazon S3 allows customers of all sizes and industries to store and protect any amount of data for a range of use cases, such as data lakes, websites, mobile applications, backup and restore, archive, enterprise applications, IoT devices, and big data analytics. Amazon S3 provides easy-to-use management features so you can organize your data and configure finely tuned access controls to meet your specific business, organizational, and compliance requirements. Amazon S3 is designed for 99.999999999% (11 9’s) of durability, and stores data for millions of applications for companies all around the world.

For more information on Split’s integration with Amazon S3, or to schedule a demo, please visit

About Split

Split is the leading Feature Delivery Platform for engineering teams that want to confidently release features as fast as they can develop them. Split’s fine-grained management, real-time monitoring, and data-driven experimentation ensure that new features will improve customer experience without breaking or degrading performance. Split ingests performance data and runs real-time statistical analyses on every new feature so that engineering teams can respond immediately to bad releases, measure changes in user experience, and build high-quality software. Engineering teams at Twilio, Salesforce, and WePay trust Split to power their feature delivery. Get started for free at

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