White Paper

Achieve True Continuous Delivery With Feature Flags

In this white paper, we’ll show you how to get the most value out of your software delivery process — by implementing CD with feature flags. Achieving continuous delivery with Split means speeding up your development cycles, lowering the risk of releases, and renewing your focus on the features that matter.

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renderContent(deleteTreatment) {
  const allowDelete = deleteTreatment.treatment === "on";
  return (
    <div className="todoListMain">
      <div className="header">
        <form onSubmit={this.addItem}>
            ref={(a) => (this._inputElement = a)}
            placeholder="Enter Task"
          <button type="submit">Add</button>

Implement Continuous Delivery

Chances are you’ve been told how to “work smarter, if not harder”—but has anyone revealed the secret to working faster? In software delivery, agility is an ongoing objective in any CICD DevOps pipeline. And for product and development teams using GitOps practices, figuring out how to best use the tools at your disposal to quickly get new features to end users is a key area of improvement.

Download this brief guide to learn:

  • Three ways to implement Continuous Delivery
  • Improve Software Delivery Quickly and Safely
  • Combining Feature Flags and Data for high ROI
  • Proper Release Management Process

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