How Full-Stack Experimentation Is Becoming a Product Any Company Can Use
Not Just For Internet Giants Anymore
It’s no secret: user feedback can drive the success or failure of sites and online businesses. So from the advent of the internet, companies have used some form of testing to see what works and what doesn’t on their site.

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What Your Full-stack Experimentation Platform Needs
The radical expansion of testing based on rich data and precise segmentation, which has always been a part of product development and marketing in one way or another, is one of the most profound impacts of the Internet on the business world.
In this white paper, we’ll provide some experimentation advice to help you alter the processes and perspectives in your organization. The goal is to ignite a culture that’s willing to intelligently take chances, embrace failures as learning opportunities, and continuously expand and iterate on success.
Download this white paper to learn:
- Multi-language feature flagging
- Sophisticated segmentation
- Experiment traffic control
- And more! Download the white paper to learn more.
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