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Release Agent (AI Chatbot)

AI-Generated Summary Now Supports Follow-Up Questions

The “Switch” AI chatbot in Harness Feature Management and Experimentation (FME) has been renamed to “Release Agent” and now supports follow-up questions after you click “Summarize” in metric details.

To see the Metric summary and ask follow-up questions:

  1. Drill into a metric tile on a Metrics impact dashboard and click Summarize.
  2. After viewing the summary, type your follow-up question and click Continue conversation in Release Agent.
  3. Continue to ask additional follow-up questions if you would like, including suggestions for next steps.
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Note: the transition from “Switch” to “Release Agent” will take place gradually. For now, you’ll still see Ask Switch in the lower left navigation of Harness Feature Management and Experimentation:

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