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Introducing Supporting Metrics

We’re excited to announce the next step in improving metric categorization for your feature releases and experiments: Supporting metrics. This new metric category gives you greater control over metrics monitored per feature flag, helping you focus on what truly matters.

What’s changing?

On the Metrics impact page, we have replaced “Organizational metrics” with “Supporting metrics.” Now, you can easily select specific additional metrics to track for each release, reducing noise and making it easier to analyze your results.

How do I assign flag-specific metrics?

Key metrics and Supporting metrics are specific to individual feature flags, and can be managed on a flag’s Metrics impact tab. Under each category, click “Add metric” to initiate the process of assigning metrics to the category. Once metrics are added, you can wait until the next scheduled calculation or manually “Recalculate metrics” to see results.

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How do I ensure my important metrics are still monitored for every flag?

In June, Split introduced Guardrail metrics to improve your ability to define which metrics should be monitored for every flag. Guardrail metrics include automated alerting, meaning flag owners will be notified as their releases or experiments impact these metrics. 

Since Organizational metrics will no longer be available, we recommend adding important metrics to the new Guardrail metrics category ASAP to ensure they continue to be protected and limit any disruption of analyzing metric results. Guardrail metrics can be assigned in the metric definition:

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The combination of Key metrics, Guardrail metrics, and Supporting metrics will reduce noise and increase sensitivity while ensuring important metrics are monitored for every feature release or experiment. We welcome your feedback as we continue to improve our metric results!

Want to Dive Deeper?

We have a lot to explore that can help you understand feature flags. Learn more about benefits, use cases, and real world applications that you can try.

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