Q&A: The Evolution of Feature Management and Experimentation
Split caught up with guest speaker Chris Condo, Principal Analyst at Forrester, to talk about what’s changed from the earlier days of feature management.

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"You’re not really doing Agile" is a pretty bold claim. How do teams turn that around?
“Agile” is all about constant iteration and getting information back about whether or not what you delivered is actually working. One of the cycles that we see taking hold is this practice where a business leader or a product manager says, “I’ve got an OKR. I’ve got an objective and key result. I want to move the needle on something.”
It was interesting to get Condo’s perspective on the latest industry movements, including trends in trunk-based development, testing in production, and the introduction of causal analysis. Most notably, we agreed that measurement and learning capabilities, like experimentation and impact monitoring, are heating up.
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