Privacy and Full-Stack Experimentation
How your approach impacts compliance with the GDPR
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a new European mandate regulating how companies must treat data belonging to EU citizens. The result of this regulation gives more control over how people’s personal data is used and safeguarded.

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What You Will Learn
Deep experimentation provides insights in a way that allows companies to segment their customers into highly defined subgroups to better understand how code-level changes affect the customer experience. Yet for that type of pinpoint targeting to be effective, companies need a lot of data on their customers. This means that when evaluating experimentation platforms, GDPR compliance must be part of the decision-making process.
This brief by CITO Research discusses:
- The impact GDPR has on full-stack experimentation
- The future of data privacy, especially in the EU
- How experimentation platforms can operate without storing personal data
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